Organic Skin Care – To A More Beautiful You

Organic Skin Care - To A More Beautiful You
Organic Skin Care

To A More Beautiful You with Organic Skin-Car

Organic Skin Care

It is probably everyone’s dream to have smooth, flawless skin and, true enough, a lot of us had been in continuous search of the perfect skin care product. But the real trick to achieving a youthful glow is Organic skin care.

Non-chemical-based beauty products have been revived in the past couple of years, and have been steadily gaining more popularity since. Unlike chemical products, organic skin care is not only safer but also cheaper. They are safe to use, gentle on the skin and provides ample and natural nourishment. So how do you take advantage of organic skin care? Here are some tips that you can follow:

Look for organic products.

Instead of rushing to the counter with the first on sale cosmetic you can lay your hands on, take the time to read the labels first before buying a product. Make sure that the ingredients are mostly organic and that the product has the necessary certifications and approval.
  • The simpler, the better.

The simpler your beauty regime is, the more effective it will actually be. Instead of slapping on 10 to 20 products on your face every day, stick to the basics. More often than not, a cleaner – toner – moisturizer – sunscreen routine should suffice.

  • Stay away from products with fragrance.

Skin care products that are fragrant usually contains phthalates—an artificial fragrance. It can trigger allergic reactions or, worse, cause damage to the kidneys, lungs, and reproductive system.

  • Stay away from petroleum by-products.

Aside from the fact that putting petroleum on your skin does not sound like a good idea in the first place, petroleum by-products such as paraffin hold greater chances of containing carcinogens. They will clog pores and obstruct the skin’s ability to detoxify.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Organic skin care is not only about the products, it is also about the practice. A healthy skin will most likely come from a healthy body, so make sure that you keep watch of your diet and general well-being, as well. Here is a checklist of things that you should do:

  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. If you can, drink more.
  • Drink and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. When cooking vegetables, make sure that you cook it long enough to kill the bacteria but do not overcook.
  • Exercise 3-4 times a week. You do not have to go the gym. A few minutes of running or stretching exercises at home should suffice.
  • Get a good night’s sleep. It is the best way for the body to heal and repair itself.
  • Think happy thoughts. Remember that a good disposition leads to better health.
  • Wash hair every other day to help it retain its natural oils.
  • Go out. Nothing beats a whiff of fresh air and sunshine.

So, before you splurge on expensive cosmetics and high-end skin care products, try to do these simple organic skin care tips first. Not only will you save money, you will also have a healthier, more natural glow.

For more tips about natural skin care click here

Click here for >Annmarie Gianni Natural Organic SkinCare Products Review

be wild, be beautiful with WILDCRAFTED, ORGANIC SKIN CARE


  • Reply Lesly Federici at

    Excellent article… I stopped using make-up years ago. I use Coconut oil or Olive oil for my skin moisturizer and that’s it. But I never leave home without lipstick! LOL
    Lesly Federici recently posted…Just Text MeMy Profile

    • Reply admin at

      Good for you ,Lesly
      you are natural 🙂
      thanks for the comment 🙂

  • Reply Mary Austin at

    I stay away from anything with a fragrance added. Once I purchased a “fragrance-free” powder at a national drug store. That is what it said on the front of the container. One the back, the first ingredient listed was “fragrance.” Honestly, that is a true story. Reading cosmetic labels is a must these days.
    Mary Austin recently posted…Stop Acid Reflux With These Easy To Understand TipsMy Profile

    • Reply admin at

      Thank you ,Mary
      yes whatever we touch this days is not natural anymore ,
      because of this I am promoting The Beauty of Food ,because
      I know from my time in Iran a lot about and it works better than all
      cosmetics we can buy 🙂

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