Natural Skin Care – Beautiful Skin With Sesame Oil

Natural Skin Care
Natural Skin Care - Beautiful Skin With Sesame Oil

Beautiful Skin With Sesame OilNatural Skin Care - Beautiful Skin With Sesame Oil

We can have beautiful Skin with Sesame Oil. The trend towards beautiful natural skin care does not stop – finally you can  do the skin, with sesame oil very much good, without compromising on quality care effects.

The skin shines much stronger and also the effect on the body is at least as good as their reputation. It may alternatively be used as a natural oil for massage, since it operates excellent for dry, stressed and dull skin goes  deep into the skin and gives it more Lecithin, vitamins A and E as well as phytoestrogens.

In addition, the pores are opened, which prevents deposits and makes the skin in the long term much smoother, suppler and firmer. So you live with it not only healthier but also more beautiful.

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Natural Skin Care -Beautiful skin with sesame oil 

Sesame is today considered one of the oldest oil plants. From the seeds of the plants, the quality sesame oil can be obtained, which is very popular with numerous beneficial properties on the human body.

The sesame oil plays an important role especially in Ayurveda and is often used as a remedy for internal and for external use.

Originally the broadleaf plant comes from India and China. Meanwhile, it is grown and processed, for example in Mexico, Burma, Sudan and in many countries around the world.

The harvest of the whole of overripe seeds is done by hand. The white and black sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum) are mainly used for the production of natural oil.The actual plants are slightly larger than one meter, the flowers are colored light pink.

The plant grows more in subtropical and tropical regions, over the whole year, therefore, the harvest here is comparatively complicated because the seeds are ripe always at different times and must be harvested.

After that picked plants are dried, then the actual seeds can be shaken out. However, an enormous number of seeds must be harvested for oil: per kilogram of the plant is about 250000-400000 seeds, for a liter of sesame oil one, needs around 3 kilograms of seeds.

Natural Skin Care – Effect of sesame oil on the skin

Sesame oil contains plant hormones Sesamolin and sesamin, which are quite similar to the body’s own estrogen and also provide similar effects since they bind to the estrogen receptors in the body.

They act actively on the skin condition, tie collagen and increase water and thus ensure significantly firmer and more beautiful skin.

Especially people with dry, irritated or skin with poor circulation can benefit from it, as well as people with loose skin.

Detoxifying effect of sesame oil

In addition to the skin-friendly and invigorating ingredients, Sesame oil also contains vitamins, which act against harmful invaders in our skin. It should help to prevent premature aging, restricts the formation of diseases and is very helpful.

It installs itself to a certain extent into the fat layer of the skin and makes the structure stable, at the same time it forms a protection against pests and bad air.

Sesame oil keeps longer because of its antioxidants, the oil can hardly be rancid.

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Natural Skin Care – Use of sesame oil in the skin care

The sesame oil has many features that are ideal for natural skin care. Especially in Asia and in India it is found that sesame oil cosmetic and naturopathic application are similar to the Aloe Vera skincare. The oil of the sesame plant has similar characteristics to the almond oil or else the apricot kernel oil.

It has a long tradition of getting used as massage oil and is used both for internal and for external detoxification cures. Because the sesame oil has a lot of lecithins, it penetrates very well into the skin

The benefits of this natural product are very obvious for the skin: Due to its compatibility, it is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive, dry or poorly circulated skin. It is suitable either for the daily care or as a massage oil to let us pamper.

As it penetrates deeply into the skin, so it can provide on the one hand for purer, open pores that emit pollutants, but also regenerate the layers of the cornea stronger.

Detoxification is also possible, who is suffering from sagging or dry skin or want to prevent that, sesame oil can regularly massage into the skin because it has a stabilizing effect on his hormones and protects the skin from further Antioxidation harmful substances.

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Skincare with sesame oil as a natural sunscreen can be used, it has at least a sun protection factor of about 1.2. Who wants to indulge his toddler or baby, can also massage the skin with sesame oil, as it keeps the child’s skin beautifully smooth and supple.

Natural Skin Care – Cosmetics with Sesame oil

How can sesame oil be used?


He who wants to use sesame oil for skin care has several options. Firstly, the oil can be applied in pure form, where there are different oils, such as the bright and the dark sesame oil.

The pure form of the oil is suitable especially for massage, which is why it is also commonly found in natural healing practices, physiotherapy or other facilities.

Besides, the sesame oil is found in pure form for use as oil baths. But the sesame oil may be used not only in pure but also in mixed form. Meanwhile, we can find numerous creams, lotions, shampoos, shower lotions and more.

The cosmetics products can be purchased either at the drug store and the pharmacy. Besides odorless cosmetic products also lightly scented cosmetics with sesame oil are available.

 For what types of skin is sesame oil  suitable

About the skin compatibility of the sesame oil quarrels. Many argue that the sesame oil is suitable for all skin types, others say, sesame oil should not be used on sensitive skin, such as acne.

Therefore, it is difficult, especially for those interested in selecting products properly. Basically, it is advisable to carry out a test before the actual application. A bit of the sesame oil product should be applied to the skin, such as the elbow. Then  48 hours should have waited after the application.

Should there be an intolerance to the sesame oil, it is visible through this test. Even with small reactions, such as jerk irritation, hives, a reddening of the skin, the sesame oil should not be used for skin care.

Recommended is the sesame oil  for dry skin, because of  the numerous fat build an excellent protective layer over the skin, so that the skin does not dry out as quickly

 What to look for when buying sesame oil

Optimum color (and natural) is a light yellow to golden tone, it smells pleasant and intrusive in any way. Best in each case is the sesame oil extracted by cold pressing, either as a dark variant, which is used to the somewhat intensive smell and tastes more in the kitchen, the bright alternative can be used optimally for skin care.

Buyer should make absolutely sure that the oil has been extracted by cold pressing (higher quality), the color is bright yellow to gold and it comes from organic farming (without additives).

Of course, the slight smell of sesame, but should be in no way intrusive or rancid – then the oil was bad or cheap.

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Sesame oil is a skin care product with many applications that can be used not only in the kitchen but also on the body in order to achieve excellent results without chemicals.

It detoxifies, strengthens and nourishes the skin at the same time and is therefore ideally suited for the human body.

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