10 Beauty Tips – Coconut Oil For Beauty

Beauty Tips
10 Beauty Tips - Coconut Oil For Beauty

10 Beauty Tips - Coconut Oil For Beauty

Coconut Oil For Beauty

Coconut oil for beauty, personal care and medicine cabinet. Coconut oil is becoming more and more popular. It is celebrated even as the rising star in the world of foods.

Coconut oil is used in many ways
In an increasing number of households, the quality organic coconut oil is part of the basic equipment in the kitchen. But coconut oil can not only be used for refinement of food in cooking and baking, but much more as an important component of the medicine cabinet, and in the natural personal skin and body care.

Use Coconut oil for beauty

Coconut oil makes you beautiful
The nutrient richness of the palm fruit in the tropics was known and used for thousands of years. Fat, protein and vitamins provide the body a complete supply.
It is certain that the coconut provides us with protein, minerals such as magnesium and calcium, trace elements iron and zinc and B vitamins and vitamin E.
Speaking of quality: Whoever buys coconut oil and really wants to do something good, you should definitely choose”virgin”, so-called “Virgin Coconut Oil” – best organically grown.

1. Coconut oil for cuts and abrasions
Apply coconut oil to cuts and abrasions. It provides reliable protection due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect against infections while supporting the natural healing process of the skin, coconut oil reduces the scarring.

2. Coconut oil for dandruff
Massage several times a week a little coconut oil with fingertips into your scalp. Even the smallest quantities are sufficient to reliably rid the scalp of dandruff. This effective and gentle method is also suitable for babies or toddlers with cradle cap.

3. Coconut oil as a deodorant
Use coconut oil without any additives as a deodorant. It gives your shoulders a velvety feeling. If you combine a little baking soda and cornstarch (not cornmeal), you will receive an effective and lasting protection against odors.

Recipe for homemade coconut oil deodorant
Coconut oil nourishes the skin and has an antibacterial and fungal hostile, soda absorbs odors, and cornstarch absorbs moisture. An ideal mix therefore for an effective and reliable deodorant. In addition, as desired essential oils can be added, bringing the additional own individual characteristics with them. Lavender and tea tree oil act, for example, antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal.

1/4 cup liquid organic coconut oil (melted in a double boiler) – equivalent to about 4 tablespoons of coconut oil resistant
1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1/4 cup cornstarch
10 drops of an essential oil as desired (for example, lavender, tea tree, lemon etc. z.)
Glass container with lid
Mix soda and cornstarch in a bowl, add melted coconut oil and essential oils and mix well until the soda has dissolved. Before the mixture is determined, pour into a glass vessel. Daily remove a small amount with a spatula, let it melt in your hands and “lotion” your shoulders.

4.Coconut oil as a hair rinse
Gently massage before shampooing a thin layer of coconut oil in the scalp and hair, leave the coconut oil for a few minutes and then wash your hair as usual. It is soft and shiny.

5.Coconut oil as lip care
Lips need natural care. Many conventional lip care products dry the lips out in the long term and make them addicted to more and more lip care. Just use coconut oil as an optimal lip care.

6.Coconut oil as a makeup remover
Also for removing makeup coconut oil is very effective. To avoid the use of products with chemical additives from the drugstore. Additionally, coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, so it does not cause dehydration and no skin irritation.

7.Coconut oil for sensitive skin care
Coconut oil does not only create highly effective care, but also moisture. It simultaneously creates an environment in which bacteria and fungi do not feel comfortable. Coconut oil, therefore, is a completely delightful free curative and care agent in many skin problems. You can use it by acne, eczema and even for babies by diaper rash.

8. Coconut oil as a sunscreen
Coconut oil offers an effective and natural sunscreen. Your body is neither in touch toxic chemicals nor with metal particles in nano size, included in most conventional sunscreens. Coconut oil protects against free radicals and builds increased protection against skin cancer.

9. Coconut oil as toothpaste
If you want a natural, fluoride-free and affordable toothpaste? Make your own toothpaste. To mix equal amounts of coconut oil and baking soda. Look for something sweet like stevia and something essential for the fresh taste like mint oil

10 Beauty Tips - Coconut Oil For Beauty

10. Coconut oil as a Body Scrub
Mix half a cup of coconut oil with sea salt – depending on gusto add a little almond oil and one or two drops of an essential oil (eg lavender). In the shower disperse the scrub in a circular motion on the body (not the face, because of the salt) and then rinse lukewarm.

11. Coconut oil protects against hair loss
Coconut oil consists mainly of medium-chain triglyceride fats. These triglyceride fats have the perfect molecular structure to improve the supply of nutrients in the scalp and the hair follicles. One of the main fats in coconut oil is lauric acid. Lauric acid from coconut oil for hair loss. The microflora on the scalp interacts with lauric acid to form monolaurin, which has very effective antifungal and anti-bacterial properties and can destroy so many forms of Candida and other infectious agents. These stable MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) act as a natural antioxidant and protect the follicles from the damage caused by free radicals and hair loss.

           And as a bonus:smi1

Coconut oil protects and cares for pets
If you rub your dog every morning with coconut oil, then you avoid him fleas and ticks. The initially appearing fat film disappears after a short time. Your four-legged friend gets a healthy and shiny coat and existing skin problems disappear.

Coconut oil for the soul
A nice side effect: In the coconut scent we sniff summer pure – white sandy beach under palm trees and turquoise sea included. This ensures a good mood and a radiant smile, and that in turn is already the most beautiful “accessory” for natural beauty …

One last tip: Coconut oil is best stored in a cool and dark place. So it is about two years preserved.

be wild ,be beautiful with WILDCRAFTED, ORGANIC SKIN CARE

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  • Reply Rachel at

    Hey Erika,

    I was not aware that coconut oil could be used for so many different things. I use dandruff shampoo once a week as a precautionary measure but I don’t like the smell. It’s full of toxins that I know for sure. So this is an idea and I might look into it or something similar anyway.

    However the smell of coconut for me is so delicious – I am totally taken with the smell and I have used coconut products before – but I always seem to be hungry as the smell is a constant reminder of one of my favorite treats.

    Great informative post.


    • Reply Erika Mohssen-Beyk at

      Hi Rachel,
      I see you like coconut 🙂
      there are coconut oils which have no smell.
      I usually use the smelling ones for cooking,
      over rice,this is a delight .Other non-smelling
      oils are available for other use and they are not as expensive.
      I use it together with essential oils for massage for example.
      For dandruff you also can use other oils,here a recipe:
      Mix the juice of 1 lemon in 1 cup of plain yogurt. Add a little olive oil to it and mix well. Apply it on your slightly wet hair, especially on the roots. Wear a shower cap for 30 minutes before rinsing it out with lukewarm water. Do this once or twice a week.

      I hope this helps it is not toxic
      Thank you

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