Beauty Tips With Millet
The ingredients of millet provide true beauty from the inside
The Greek philosopher Pythagoras recommended once the millet to improve health and strength. In China, the grain is even counted among the five sacred plants.
Until about 100 years, the millet in the diet played a big role but was almost completely replaced by potato and corn and fell into oblivion. Now, the healthy plant is making a comeback as a natural beautifier and is a home beauty tip.
Scientific studies show that the ingredients of millet are not only good for health, but they also provide a natural beauty “from the inside. ”
The ingredients of millet have a positive impact on the growth and appearance of the nails, as well as the appearance of the skin. Poor nutrition increases pounds on the hips and makes your skin and hair look bad. It is not enough to rely only on the care of the outside and the effect of skin creams because the skin is a reflection of our diet and lifestyle. Make your skin look better with the nutrients supply of millet, the home beauty tip.
Beauty Tips With Millet – Benefits
The grain contains many minerals and trace elements that are essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. In addition to 70 % carbohydrates, millet grains contain about 10 % protein and also fat and minerals such as cereals, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, calcium, and silicon, as well as tocopherol and vitamin B6. The water content is around 12 %.
Besides a high iron content, millet contains a lot of silica. Silica is an essential trace element for connective tissue. It tightens the skin. Silica also makes glamorous hair. Iron deficiency is the cause of brittle nails and diffuse hair loss. Millet can close gaps in the supply of iron.
Millet mineral- richest and oldest Grain in the world
The mineral- richest and probably the oldest in the world, grain can be cooked like rice and served as mush as soup or in a salad or yogurt. Very healthy fruit juice is also mixed with 3 teaspoons of millet flakes.
Not only can healthy oil be pressed from millet, you can also brew beer. In the Himalayan region, a weak alcoholic beer is made in different varieties. Millet is a collective name for cereal, all of which belong to the family of grasses.
Edible millet, also called golden millet it contains high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Furthermore, it provides various vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, including magnesium, potassium, iron, fluorine, and silicon.
The grain is considered a natural beautifier.
In many areas of Africa and Asia, the different kinds of millet are still the main food but are increasingly being replaced.
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Beauty Tips With Millet – Recipes
Millet patties with vegetables and masala
1 leek
One carrot
1 zucchini
150 g of millet
1 egg or egg substitute
½ tsp Garam Masala
1 tablespoon flour
Salt, olive oil, or coconut oil
Put the millet in water to cook ( fo millet patties should be a little softer to hold them better together). Chop the vegetables very small and fry in a pan with some olive oil. It tastes delicious when the vegetables are lightly browned. Mix all ingredients together, form small patties and fry over high heat in a pan with a little coconut oil. Serve with a salad or a vegetable dish. You can take these patties to the office or on a trip because they almost taste better cold than warm.
Egg substitute >Flaxseed Use flaxseed for binding. Combine 1 tablespoonful of ground flaxseed with 3 tablespoonfuls of water to make a thick and gelatinous egg replacement. See: Flaxseed is super-healthy.
Chia Seeds Use the same ratio as the flaxseed mix and enjoy all the health benefits of chia seeds, which are similar to flaxseed.
Millet Casserole
150 g of millet
800 g spinach, chard, or similar
½ tablespoon coconut oil
1 clove of garlic
Nutmeg, to taste coriander and cinnamon
200 g feta or replacement
1 egg or egg substitute
Cook the millet in water. Meanwhile, steam the vegetables. Add the chopped garlic to a saucepan with warm coconut oil, put the vegetables in it, and season with salt and spices. Add the diced feta cheese, the yolk, and the cooked millet and stir. Fold in the whipped egg whites. Put in a baking pan and bake in the oven at medium heat until it forms a slight crust.
Cabbage wrap with millet and tofu
8 large cabbage leaves
120 g of millet
200 g Tofu
1 egg or egg replacement
Coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg
1 clove of garlic
400 ml tomato sauce
Olive oil and salt
Blanch the cabbage leaves, and remove the hard stalk. Mix the cooked millet, the tofu, and the egg, and season with salt and spices. Pour into each cabbage leaf 1/8 of the mass and fold the leaf into a roll. In a pan, heat up a clove of garlic in a little olive oil, and add the tomato sauce and salt. Place the wraps into the sauce, cover, and simmer over low heat on both sides.
Click here for more Home Beauty Tips.
For more about Millet, click here > Gluten-free Millet
Wow…I must eat millet to improve the health of my hair. I didn’t realize it’s so high in silica! That’s fantastic for a grain. I also love the recipes, will definitely make a couple of them. The cabbage wraps sound yummy as I’m a vegetarian. Thank you 🙂
You are welcome Carolyn ,
I am happy you liked this post and hope
you can improve the health of not only your hair .
There are more vegetarian recipes coming in my book for you.
Thank you for your comment
Very timely as I’m currently eating veggies only with small amounts of starches. Variety is KEY to sustaining this diet of mine yet nutrition is the GOAL.
*Anyhoo, Millet it is …
Great post. 🙂
Thank you Mason,
try it ,millet is good for everybody and good to eat
with veggies or fruits .
Thanks for the comment
Wow, I never knew about millet. These are some great tips to implement. I’ll be sharing this. Thank you!
Hi Nate ,
if you never heard about ,than you learned
something new ,this is good.
Try millet and eat it ,it is healthy.
Thank you
This is very interesting. I haven’t eaten mullet in many years, but I used to eat it a lot. I had no idea that it had so many healthy properties. I’m going to bring it back into my life now, thanks to you. Awesome post! Peace.
Hi Jeanne ,
Good to bring it back ,
it is very beneficial and
I am writing a little book about .
Happy you liked the post 🙂
Thank you for the comment
Hmmm…I have never heard of millet but will have to investigate further to determine if I want to add to diet. Thanks.
Hi Rachel ,
I do not wonder you did not hear about ,
it was for a long time disappeared ,but
comes again ,because it is gluten free
and really good for health ,beauty ,weight loss and detox.
Thank you for the comment
Millet has many benefits, but I never knew how to incorporate that into my diet. I love the recipes that you share. Although some of the ingredients you have I do not usually carry in my pantry, I think I need to start including them.
Hi Diane
Millet has a lot of benefits ,maybe start and try the breakfast from my other site here >,this is very easy and tasty
Thank you for the comment
I like the sound of all the nutrients in Millet and I am going to look out for some to try at home.
Thank you for the recipes for ideas 🙂
You are welcome, Jacs
Try it ,best to start with a breakfast
the casserole is good as well and I know in Europe you can get millet flakes or
brown millet as well which can be raw and ground ,put in juices smoothies or on salad.
Thank you for the comment
It’s been eons since I eaten millet. Now I have a good reason to go buy some, make it and eat it again. Beside the recipes look awesome. 🙂
Hi Susan ,
Good for you ,if you start eating it again .
I hope the recipes make a tasty dish for you.:)
This is the first time ,I see marshmallow can be made at home,
will have a look at it 🙂
Thank you for the comment
Hi Erika,
Interesting post. I have never heard of millet until I started reading your blog and I am learning all sort of great information about it.
Have a great day, Monna
Hi Monna ,
Now you learned something new
and there is a whole book coming of it 🙂
with even more information .
Thank you for the comment
[…] Click here for beauty tips with millet […]
I had never heard of millet until I started reading your blog.
Thank you dear for these beauty tips
. I love the recipes that you shared