Beauty With Lemon Does Beauty With Food Work?

Beauty Tips
Beauty With Lemon
Beauty With Lemon

Beauty With Lemon

Who would have thought that a real secret weapon for beauty hides in our fruit bowl?

Instead of spending much money on beauty we could just cut lemon.
Read ten reasons why the citrus fruit is really good for beauty.

Beauty with Lemon
We love Lemons! And we mean not only for salad or
lemonade but the power that is hidden in this little fruit.
Lemons contain Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium
and also minerals and antioxidants that significantly improve
the condition of our skin, hair, and nails.

1. Lemon heals acne and helps fight blackheads

Their antibacterial properties make it a natural alternative to combat
acne. For this purpose, it is enough to cut fruit and rub the juicy
side over the face.
Additionally, you can also add a few drops of honey (also acts anti-inflammatory)
Drizzle the lemon half and then selectively used to the places where you have blackheads.
Leave on for just five to ten minutes, then rinse everything with water.

2. Lemon lightens dark spots and scars

The natural fruit acid contained in lemons lightens acne scars and pigment spots.
However, caution is advised by wounds and minor injuries! This can burn.

3. Lemon whitens teeth

Professional whitening kits are expensive. The homemade alternative: Mix baking
soda with lemon juice and apply this solution carefully with cotton swabs on your teeth.
Please leave on for a minute – the citric acid is strong enough to attack your tooth enamel.
Then gently remove with a toothbrush.

4. Lemon helps with oily skin

Have you already tried everything possible to get rid of the oily sheen of your skin?
Why not try the following: Apply in the evening lemon juice on a cotton ball, wipe over
the face and rinse until morning. Works wonderfully.

5. Highlight your hair with lemon.

So cheap blonde highlights you never had: mix some lemon juice with conditioner and apply.
Then let bleach in the sun a few hours. The hair will be naturally bleached.
Best repeat once a week – so your blond tone is much brighter!

6. Lemon strengthens nails

There are plenty of products on the drugstore shelves, to make the nails harder and healthier.
The same results, use this natural product: Simply mix olive oil with lemon juice and massage.
Maintains and strengthens soft and brittle nails.

7. Lemon fights dandruff

Do you suffer from dry scalp? A do-it-yourself hair mask helps. Mix coconut oil or olive oil with
a little honey and lemon juice, massage the mixture into your scalp. After about half an hour,
wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

8. Lemon soothes chapped lips

Rub the lips with a lemon half, leave on overnight. The fruit acid removes all dead skin cells,
the next day you wake up with a super smile.

9. Lemon cleanses the body and face

Who wants to play it safe when it comes to the ingredients of detergents and shower gels,
best mixe up something yourself. Lemon juice, mixed with yogurt and essential oils such
as lavender or chamomile, give an excellent antibacterial cleaning product, which provides
the skin with moisture.

10. Lemon acts virtually any fruit acid peel

You can choose whether you prefer to go for a cosmetician, or simply apply lemon juice and
let this act overnight at home.

The advice to use natural fruit acid comes from a make-up artist. Lemons stimulate the
self-renewal process of the skin as good as expensive products or even better

Beauty with Lemon, why not give it a try?

More about Beauty with Food

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