Men Grooming – Skin And Body Care For Men
Women Cosmetics Mirror – this is usual. But what about men, makeup, and manicure?
Still sounds strange to many. But that is not true anymore because our men deserve special care for their beauty as well and look more and more for cream jars and powder puffs. Here are a few tips on how you can go through the day and look handsome.
Women spend an average of 80 minutes in front of the mirror before they feel ready. Makeup, hairstyle, and clothes: Everything takes time and should, of course, be perfect down to the smallest detail.
What about men?
And what about you, our men? You are only ten minutes in front of the mirror.
A little water on the face, running the fingers through the hair and run, briefly brushing teeth.
Ready to go: to the office, to football, to the pub, to bed. The minimum care: but more
and more, a shift occurs. You may be surprised, but the women like this change.
Women share, contrary to many prejudices, the mirror happily with men.
For a man who likes to maintain a bit more and the woman at his side would like to turn him
into a Brad Pitt look-a-like man, we have tips here for men grooming.
Men grooming – Hair
Even men’s hair must be cared for. For example, use a natural Shampoo & Shower Gel.
Foam with lukewarm water, do not use hot water because that stresses the scalp.
Tends your scalp for dandruff, and use, for example, the anti-dandruff shampoo. Wash greasy hair
with a mild Coconut shampoo frequently, but don’t do long massaging. This stimulates only the
glands, and the hair gets greasy again. There is a variety of natural gels and sprays; give it a try.
If the time of glorious hair is over? No problem. Bald men can be very attractive, too, if they care.
Shaved areas of the head must be treated with a good body lotion. Protect your
head from UV radiation by using a hat and sunscreen lotion.
Men grooming – Face
Men’s skin is inherently robust, thanks to collagen fibers, which are criss- cross-linked.
A problem here is that the skin also has more oil glands, which can lead to a greasy complexion
and blemishes. For this reason, face care is also essential for men. Wash your face at least once daily
with lukewarm water and a facial cleanser. Do not use shampoo or shower gel because these
dry the skin. Use a natural moisturizer. Against skin impurities also helps a weekly gentle
Don’t be afraid to apply some powder; it can be very discreet on the skin. It also offers light protection
and is quick and easy to apply.

Men grooming – Shaving.
Beards are great and look very masculine. But, you should look neat, and you must trim it sometimes.
Before you move to your beard, you are already using shave gel so that the beard hair gets lifted and
an easy shave is possible. A dry shave would be better if your skin is easily irritable. After applying a
natural Pre-Shave gel, shave gently. Shaving cream soothes the skin while shaving and moisturizes.
However, no matter whether a dry or wet shave: In any case, your face should be properly cared for.
In addition, an aftershave balm that soothes is recommended. Women look for soft cheeks
and like men grooming.
Men grooming – Eyes
Tired, puffy eyes are nothing new for men. With a cooling Eye Gel, you can give
your eye area freshness. Dark circles can also be easily covered with concealer.
This should be dabbed on with your fingertips and not rubbed. And do not forget
the eyebrows. With a pair of tweezers, unwanted hair is easily removed.
Men grooming – Body and hands
Also, your body deserves regular care with a body lotion.
Against rough hands helps, a fatty hand cream that should be applied after each washing.
Also good for brittle nails; use Hand Cream that provides protection
Men grooming – Tips and Warning.
Healthy skin and healthy hair also need a balanced diet.
Vitamin C, biotin, zinc, and iron strengthen the hair roots, and Vitamin A and
minerals like calcium are good for the skin.
Exercise is needed as well, even if it is only a 30-minute walk in a park.
Stay away from the cream jar of your wife. Use care products that are especially for men.
Ladies, what about a Men’s Bath & Body Kit as a gift for your man?
Click here for more Beauty Tips For Men .
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