Natural hair growth tips for beautiful hair
Why does natural hair growth take time? Similar to a garden, the hair roots determine the hair growth. Good and nutrient-rich soil ensures that healthy and beautiful hair grows. However, if the body suffers from a lack of nutrients, it can lead to hair loss.
In addition to the daily diet, well-being, general health, genetic factors, and some habits have an impact on hair growth.
Healthy eating for fast natural hair growth
A healthy diet is an essential requirement for healthy hair growth. Proteins are used to make keratins; copper is vital for hair pigmentation, silicon for growth and firmness, and vitamin E for the health of the scalp and hair follicles. The daily nutrients determine the activity of the scalp and hair growth.
Especially foods with many proteins, a high vitamin content like vitamins A, B, C and E and many minerals like iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, and selenium are an enrichment for the scalp and hair roots. They care for the hair and promote its growth.
Also, Omega 3 fatty acids are precious for the hair. About 3 percent of our hair shaft consists of Omega 3 fatty acids and give the hair a healthy look.
Food for natural hair growth
Broccoli, parsley, peppers, spinach, cabbage, grapefruit, avocado, and oats.
Also, freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices like carrots, oranges, turnips, and green salad are good for hair growth.
Also, Omega-3-containing foods such as fatty fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are vital for right health conditions of skin, scalp and hair roots.
Scalp massage
A scalp massage promotes the circulation of the scalp and thereby stimulates the hair follicles. The hair follicles are small invaginations of the skin where the hair roots form. If the metabolism of the hair follicles is disturbed or if they lack certain nutrients, the hair follicles can not work optimally.
To stimulate the hair follicles, massage the scalp 1 to 3 times a week with warm coconut or olive oil and circular motion for three to five minutes. Then let the oil work for 30 minutes and wash the hair as usual.
Comb your hair
Daily combing for 1 to 2 minutes stimulates the circulation of the scalp and spreads the natural hair oils evenly over the hair. Healthy blood circulation is crucial for the hair follicles to work efficiently and to have new and healthy hair growth.
Comb Hair only when dry. Use a natural hair brush for combing or a comb with wide prongs.
Castor oil
Castor oil nourishes the hair and is a source of valuable essential fatty acids. It provides plenty of vitamin E, which supply the hair roots and accelerates natural hair growth.
Since castor oil is very viscous, you should mix it with the same amount of coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil for use. Apply this mixture, massage well for 5 minutes with circular motions and allow to act for 30 to 45 minutes. Then wash the hair as usual.
For a pleasant scent, a few drops of essential oils such as rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender or thyme oil may also be mixed with castor oil and applied to the scalp.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps remove dirt, dust, and residue from hair care products on the hair. In this way the hair is detoxified, softer, brighter and stronger.
For the application of apple cider vinegar, just after washing hair, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a quart of water. Add the mixture to the hair and massage well. Let it work for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. To reduce the apple smell, add a few drops of essential oil such as rose oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Herbs for fast natural hair growth
Herbs such as rosemary, catnip, stinging nettle, burdock root, horsetail, and sage promote hair growth. They improve blood circulation, stimulate hair follicles, strengthen the hair and provide a soft and supple hair feel.
For the application of the herbs, pour one of the above herbs with 1 liter of hot water and leave for 10 to 20 minutes. Remove the herbs and use the water as a final rinse after shampooing. The herbal water you can al mixed with a few drops of essential oils. Drinking herbal teas daily help to strengthen the effect of the herbs
Aloe vera
Aloe vera naturally stimulates hair growth. It also reduces dandruff, promotes the natural shine of the hair and prevents hair loss.
Just mix some fresh aloe vera gel with a little lemon juice, massage into the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash the hair as usual. Repeat this application 1 to 2 times a week. Drinking fresh aloe vera juice helps accelerate this process.
Reduce stress
Stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss. It disturbs the normal hair cycle, often leads to lack of sleep and a disturbing release of growth hormones. Deep breathing, loving words to loved ones, and sufficient sleep help reduce stress.
Diseases and medicines
Disease and medication can interfere with hair growth despite many efforts. Thyroid diseases, skin diseases, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases or severe infections often lead to disturbed nutrient supply and a malnourished scalp. However, medications such as birth control pills, beta-blockers, antidepressants, anabolic steroids, and anticonvulsants also influence hair growth and can contribute to hair loss.
Diseases and medications are often the reason why the hair does not grow despite great efforts. In such cases, the condition should be treated primarily to have a positive effect on hair growth.
More tips for fast natural hair growth:
Avoid chemical hair care products.
Never give hair treatments to the hair root. As a result, the hair loses volume, becomes faster greasy, and it clogs the pores because of the waxes and silicones it contains. As a result, the pores can no longer breathe properly and disturb the metabolism of hair follicles.
There are several ways to accelerate hair growth. With just 2 or 3 daily changes, you can stimulate hair growth naturally. However, first and foremost: Hair needs enough nutrients and time to grow.
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Organic foods and reducing stress definitely helps a lot for better hair growth, same with aloe vera and rosemary oils.
Very informational article and a great read – keep up the great work! recently posted…How does biotin work?
Right, organic food, less stress helps. Aloe vera and rosemary are good natural remedies.
Thanks for your comment 🙂