Why do most of the people who lose weight but cannot keep their weight?
A shocking statistic says that an estimated 96 to 98 percent of people who lose weight through dieting regain their starting weight over 1 to 2 years, and often even more. This statistic already shows that the strategies used for years are not working, and the equation: “eat less and exercise more = weight loss” is not enough.
The human body is not just a machine that absorbs and consumes calories. There are a lot of other factors that play a crucial role, but we may neglect them in traditional approaches.
The few people who have managed to maintain their weight after losing weight all have one thing in common: they report persistent changes in their lives. In some cases, losing weight was not the primary goal at all but, for example, a healthier lifestyle. But then weight loss happened as a “side effect” of progression.
The before mentioned is very important to understand for most of us. It could be the missing key to not only lose that unwanted weight but to keep it off for life.
So is it time for a new approach to nutrition, health, and weight?
We all have a unique, fascinating, and ever-changing relationship to food. Our food, weight, and health challenges are opportunities to recognize and develop a new awareness.
“Our relationship with food is a mirror of our relationship with life.”- Marc David.
The influence of thoughts, feelings, and personal beliefs on metabolism and health goes far beyond traditional nutritional science. We are looking at the fascinating connections between the body, brain, and behavior.
Our relationship with food teaches us essential things when we are ready to look. It helps us discover that our food, weight, and health challenges correlate to other primary areas of our lives, like relationships, family, work, sexuality, the search for meaning and fulfillment, and so much more.
Understanding and transforming emotional eating
Are you an “emotional eater”? You often ask yourself desperately, “Why can’t I lose weight?”
Sometimes, it’s not just food. Today, intense emotions, such as anger, sadness, disappointment, and loneliness, are suppressed in all possible areas of life, often through early and unconscious imprints.
Here, eating is a way to deal with these intense sensations. Eating then serves to regulate our “emotional metabolism”: we feel bad, and when we eat something, we feel better, at least in the short term. After that, often guilt feelings follow, which often prevents weight loss attempts.
When we perceive the behavior as bad, wrong, or unpleasant, we often have the desire to fight, stop, or get rid of the habit. The tools of choice are usually discipline, willpower, and specific behavioral changes. This strategy is a symptom-related approach and is generally not successful in the long term.
The term “emotional eating” causes a negative feeling. People eat or cannot stop hunger when they are already full. It feels unpleasant, But what is the opposite of emotional eating? We, humans, are emotional beings, so understandably, our feelings have a strong influence on our eating behavior.
It is good to acknowledge and understand behavior. There is always a reason why we eat when we are not hungry or already full. Before we can change a habit, it’s essential to understand why it’s there so it tells us something. By not condemning it, but being interested in its message, it opens up entirely new possibilities for dealing with unpleasant habits.
If we get to the root of the cause, we can transform it. We can change our eating habits. How?
WildFit is about more than food. It is also about the spirit and about getting to know yourself.
Not only will you learn what nutrients your body needs, but WildFit will also teach you techniques to change how you think and behave to help you eliminate cravings and the need for willpower.
You will learn to understand the reason for your cravings to be able to deal with them sensibly. You’ll become conscious of your thoughts about your diet and eating habits, so you’ll never feel helpless at the mercy of your cravings again.
WildFit will teach you how to use all seasons according to your fitness and health goals. There is a natural season for fat-burning where there is no need to count calories.
WildFit is not a diet – WildFit is a lifestyle!
Thanks for sharing this article! Losing weight and keeping it off is about making a lifestyle change that you can stick with. As a child, a person may be more active and eat whatever he/she wants. Then, when they get to college, more stress eating and a more sedentary life occurs. And as a result, weight increases and many have no idea how to get rid of it. This was my story about 20 years ago. However, after a few years of yo-yo dieting (losing/gaining weight) I finally got the big picture!
Hi Kimberly,
you are right, it is often like you write here.
I am lucky and never had any issues because I avoid processed food and only eat home-cooked and organic.
But many may not be able t do this. Good, you found your solution.
Thank you for your comment
There are many people who can get the weight off but then put it back on or struggle to keep it off. The point of tapping into the why…what is behind wanting to lose weight? … and then this is when we can have true success.
Yes, Elise,
Too many lose weight and have it back a short time after a diet.
The why is important, and I think to get help to find the right way and attitude.
It does not work getting back into the old eating habits.
Thank you