How Antioxidants In Anti-Aging Skin Care Help Your Beauty

Best Anti Aging Skin Care, Natural Skin Care

The role of Antioxidants in Anti-Aging skin care

How does Anti-Aging Skin Care with Antioxidants work? You know this for sure: a piece of an apple turns brown when left for a while. It does not happen that fast if you spray a little lemon juice over the apple piece. What does this example mean for our skin?

Any nourishing product advertises antioxidants that keep our skin looking younger for longer. Does our skin need that?

Yes! Free radicals are continually occurring in our body through normal metabolic processes. We would not be able to live without UV light and oxygen, but the by-product is free radicals. Our body is naturally equipped with an antioxidant protection system.

To return to the apple example, contact with oxygen causes free radicals on the surface of the pulp, and the apple turns brown. But if you add lemon juice, so an extra portion of vitamin C, as a so-called antioxidant, the apple stays protected longer.

Our skin also has a functioning protective system.

A system that consists of antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes. Over the food, we take all the necessary components of this system. As we get older, this system works more slowly, and when we expose our skin to more sun or air pollution, there is an increased need for these antioxidants.

Also, when the defense of the free radicals is reduced, damage to the skin cells remains, which can show as wrinkling, pigmentation, and in the long run, even skin cancer.

Since our skin is the outer protective cover of the body and we regularly expose it to UV light and other environmental influences, it makes sense to protect our skin from the outside. And there, we need the right products for skincare with antioxidants.

The most important antioxidants are vitamins E, and C. Vitamin E protects the cell walls, and vitamin C takes over the protection inside the cell. Various other vital substances support this system: beta-carotene (carrots), polyphenols (grapes, berries), lycopene (tomatoes), and flavonoids (citrus fruits, apples), as well as zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.


A variety of cosmetics, especially the group of anti-aging products, are equipped with antioxidants.

Some products contain pure substances such as vitamins C and E. Vitamin E is sometimes called tocopherol. Others rely on the power of plants as they naturally contain a wealth of antioxidants. Well-known examples are polyphenols in grapes, green tea or pomegranate, vitamin C from acerola cherry or sea buckthorn, and vitamin E from various vegetable oils.

So take care when choosing your care product on these essential ingredients!

Read > How the Rainbow Can Heal: The Science of Food Colors

Antioxidants from the inside – Eat in the colors of the rainbow!

Beauty from the inside out. Antioxidants have a crucial job; from the outside, they help the skin neutralize direct attacks of free radicals.

However, our metabolism generates much of the free radicals themselves, both in the skin and whole organism. Therefore, the delivery of antioxidants through food is vital. Certain factors, such as stress, smoking, medications, and dietary and environmental pollutants, increase the need for these.

These are the top 8 essential substances for our antioxidant protection system:

Vitamin E
vitamin C
Carotenoids: Beta Carotene & Lycopene
Zinc & manganese
Polyphenols & flavonoids
Now we have to know which foods contain all these substances.

Plant nutrients play a crucial role in anti-aging. Fruit, vegetables, and plant extracts have an array of chemical constituents, known as phytochemicals or phytonutrients, that are massively helpful to skin health and beauty.

In plants, phytochemicals confer characteristics like color, which might facilitate the plant by providing a lovely fragrance to passing bees to assist in fertilization. Or they protect the plant to stop insects from harming it or repel grazing animals.

However, they also have benefits for human health.
These chemicals make fruit and vegetables more valuable than merely the macronutrients like a water-soluble vitamins.

Does that sound too scientific to you?
The simplest way of ensuring that we meet our needs is to eat as colorful as possible. And with fruits and vegetables in all the colors of the rainbow. Now in the spring, it is particularly easy to bring color to the plate:


Beetroot, strawberries, raspberries, redcurrants, tomatoes


Orange paprika, carrots, oranges, red lentils


Apricots. Lemons, bananas, yellow zucchini


Spinach, broccoli, fish, zucchini, salads, kiwi, peas


Blueberries, plums, blackberries


Grapes, Melanzani, Radicchio, Kidney Beans

With wholesome cereals and high-quality products as the base, we make this way a balanced diet complete, tasty, and beautiful to the eye.

Also, see Skin Care Is Health Care – Beauty With Food.

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