5 Superfoods You Need To Eat That Make You Beautiful

Beauty Tips, Skin Care Is Health Care

5 Superfoods To Eat That Make You Beautiful

Superfoods to eat for your skin and hair. Beautiful skin, firm nails, and shiny hair stand for health and natural beauty. And this comes from inside.

Healthy, clear skin and shiny hair are clear attractions and stand for a healthy organism. To preserve the natural beauty as long as possible and to delay the aging process, the supply of your body with specific nutrients is essential. Especially your skin is sensitive to changes. It is the mirror of our soul and a reliable indicator of emotional or physical imbalances.

Allergic reactions, inflammation, hormonal fluctuations, stress or poor circulation and supply of oxygen are quickly noticeable in the skin. Then your skin looks pale or has large pores, and the tissue appears slack.

Eat yourself beautiful!

Your diet plays a big, if not the decisive role. For your skin, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids are particularly important. The body also needs to produce healthy collagen, to keep your skin and entire body taut and youthful for as long as possible.

Collagen is a central component of connective tissue, which gives form and firmness to almost all tissues in the body. The more vitamin C your body has, the more collagen the body can produce and the firmer and tighter your tissues can be.

In turn, certain foods, such as industrial sugar, eggs, cereal, and dairy products, and animal fats and proteins may cause poor skin and connective tissue structure. Excess of acid in the body is damaging to your organism and is reflected, for example, in a weakened immune system. If the body can no longer balance the acid, it also deposits it in the connective tissue. As a result, for example, cellulitis. And we all do not want that.

So, what do we have to eat to burst with vitality? In general, it is crucial to rely on a predominantly basic diet, because an acid-base balance makes your skin radiate from the inside out. That a lot of fruits and vegetables and healthy fatty acids like olive or linseed oil, and also Superfoods.

Because they are among the most nutrient-rich natural foods on this planet and can support your body naturally and comfortably in the formation of healthy skin. Plant-based superfoods are in the most real sense a beauty food for your skin hair and body.

Here are the five most popular superfoods, which have a particularly positive effect on your inner and outer beauty.

1. Superfood to eat is Coconut

Superfood for beauty

The coconut palm is called the tree of life, in old Sanskrit texts, which means “tree that gives everything necessary for life.” The juicy white meat, the clear water, and its oil, the coconut is an elixir of life. In the ancient Ayurvedic healing teachings, the coconut is already worshiped as healing and serving the beauty.

They support our entire metabolism and digestive activity, strengthen our immune system, regulate our hormone production, nourish our cells and provide us with energy through their natural, saturated fatty acids. The beautiful fruit has fewer calories than any other fat or oil rich foods. The clear water is a tasty thirst-quencher with numerous positive side effects. Our cells bloom and start to radiate.

Coconut oil is rich in vitamins, trace elements, and essential minerals. Coconut oil or water is also perfect for external use. For example, skin blemishes will alleviate, inflammatory processes, such as eczema or acne, can be inhibited. Coconut oil is also extremely effective in the fight against skin aging.

Its precious ingredients tighten, soften, and moisturize the skin better as the most expensive cream you know. You can spread it all over the body including face. Also, body parts affected by Cellulite benefit from a regular coconut oil massage, give it a try. Coconut oil is also excellent as a hair conditioner!

2. Goji Berries

Also, a superfood to eat, the small miracle berries which are initially from China, where they have been part of traditional medicine for about 5000 years. Today, the super berry is common in many species and varieties around the world.

The goji berry has an unusually broad spectrum of benefits: It supports the function of your kidneys and adrenal glands and gives you more strength and endurance and makes you more stress-resistant. But that’s not all, the wonderfully tasty fruits have a positive effect on your entire body, blood, and metabolism system. They are full of essential fatty and amino acids, trace elements such as zinc, iron, and calcium, and they provide a colorful vitamin mix ( predominantly B and E). Antioxidant substances make the package complete.

They protect your skin from external influences and pollutants and make it shine. And there’s one thing on top of that: Goji berries are the only known food that stimulates our bodies to produce more growth hormones, making them the most effective natural anti-aging superfoods ever!

3. Pomegranate-a beauty wonder weapon.

Superfood for beauty

For thousands of years, the pomegranate has enjoyed great popularity in numerous cultural circles. The exterior of the fruit is just as beautiful as its juicy and luminous interior.

However, those who now think that the pomegranate can score only with optics and delicious taste, is much mistaken, because the active ingredients are a real miracle weapon for our beauty. Not for nothing are the pomegranate symbolic of beauty and eternal youth!

The pomegranate impresses with its versatility! So he has a lot of antioxidants that protect the cells and actively promote the regeneration!

It also contains rich vitamins in addition to its many antioxidants. For example, a single glass of pomegranate juice is enough to cover 40% of the daily needed vitamins A, C, and E!
Not only does the pomegranate make us beautiful on the outside, no, it also unfolds its effect inside us and gives us youthful radiance.

If you consume it regularly, the delicious fruit keeps the cell metabolism on the go and, with its high vitamin content, provides more vitality in everyday life. Fatigue and listlessness you can be quickly and enjoyable combat with this little wonder weapon.

4. Aloe Vera

Superfood for beauty

Most know the gel of the plant in the context of expensive cosmetics, but they are also available naturally. Whether as a potted plant in front of your window, individual fresh leaves in the refrigerator or bottled gel, in the health food you will undoubtedly find it.

In the form of the gel from the fresh leaf, the effectiveness is best. You can use the gel from the leaf interface either for external use on the skin, for example, helps with chronic skin diseases, acne, allergies, stretch marks, varicose veins, sunburn, as a moisturizing hair mask. It is easy to make a mask yourself, or just as a superfood side dish in smoothies, salads, spreads and dips.

The fresh gel is a real wonder drug: it is rich in vitamins, mainly A, C, and E. Also it contains minerals like sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium, as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, and enzymes. It strengthens your immune system, harmonizes your digestion and counteracts inflammatory processes in the body.

And best of all, the gel helps build muscle mass and reduce fats. It is the perfect addition to your sports and yoga practice. Nature has given us a real beauty gift that we only have to use.

5. You may like the best – Cocoa, Chocolate

Go and get your chocolate, but beware: it means not Mars or other chocolate bars. We speak of really dark, raw chocolate with a high percentage of pure cocoa (up to 99%!). Because chocolate is well without sugar, dairy products, and other additives, it only needs the cocoa from cocoa beans.

It is the source of many nutrients, antioxidants that protect us from external influences and keep us young. Also, it is rich in magnesium, iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, copper, vitamin C, omega-6 fatty acids, fiber, and other incredibly beneficial substances. It makes the raw chocolate a real hit.

Also, chocolate is good for our heart, yes it opens it up, and strengthens our intuition. It’s true. It promotes blood circulation and even stimulates the production of sex hormones. Pure lust so to speak. Let’s eat chocolate!

And an extra tip remember: Always drink plenty of water!

In addition to a balanced diet, your skin needs a sufficient amount of water, at least two liters per day. It is sure that water is the most vital substance we consume daily. It supports your metabolism, cleanses your body and also helps your skin to eliminate harmful substances.

Read also Best Anti-Aging Skin Care – 10 Wrinkle Fighting Foods You Should Eat

Do something for yourself, feel better, look better.

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