Look Wonderful Enjoying Beauty Food For Skin And Hair

Beauty Tips
Look Wonderful Enjoying Beauty Food For Skin And Hair

Eat Beauty Food for bright skin and shiny hairLook Wonderful Enjoying Beauty Food For Skin And Hair

Beauty Food, like pineapples, apples, onions. Some foods can provide fast pure skin and shiny hair. If you want to be beautiful, you have to pay attention to your diet; You often hear this credo. An unbalanced diet with a lot of fast food and few minerals is reflected in the look and can cause acne, dull, dry hair, and pale skin.

But no worry, you do not have to change your whole life and go on a strict diet. There is food that is a true nutrient bomb and has an extremely positive effect on skin and hair. If you just eat it a little more often, you will soon be surprised by its positive effects.

Onions for acne, pineapples as anti-aging, and bananas for eye-rings. Here you can read about the power of Beauty food!

Look Wonderful Enjoying Beauty Food For Skin And Hair

PineapplesRelated image
Pineapples not only taste delicious and refreshing but also contain alpha-hydroxy acids. These stimulate collagen production and make sure that old cells are repelled. The perfect anti-aging care! Sun-damaged skin can also be regenerated.

Also, the pineapple is a great helper in terms of the body and a flat belly. If you eat a slice of exotic fruit before each meal, it restrains the appetite and stimulates digestion.


The good old green cabbage is a real power pack with a beautiful effect. Vitamin C (more than one orange!), Beta carotene, calcium, folic acid, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, antioxidants, as that is in the green vegetables! This not only strengthens the immune system but also detoxifies the body. In addition, green cabbage supports the function and structure of the skin and provides full, shiny hair.

You’ve been stumbling over the terms kale chips or smoothies lately.  In front of the TV, take kale chips rather than the greasy potato variant in the evening. What about a green smoothie with kale in the morning or during the day?



CoconutsRelated image

No wonder you can see supermodels in photos with a coconut water drink in hand strolling through the streets. The juice of the still immature coconut simply contains a lot of nutrients. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium have a positive effect on your body as well as helping to get back on your feet quickly after a tiring day.

OnionsRelated image
Beauty experts advise you to detoxify the body in case of acne. The best way to do this is with the detox vegetable number one the onion! It helps quickly to detoxify the liver. It is best to use red onions, which contain more antioxidants.



Apples are full of antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, which attack and weaken the body’s cells. The effects are wrinkles or weak connective tissues. This can be prevented by eating apples.


AsparagusRelated image
Asparagus is the least known beauty food. The vegetables are full of vitamins (A, B, C, and E, to be exact)! These the body cannot produce by itself. If a defect is present, you can see it quickly. Dry skin, brittle hair, and splintering fingernails will appear. Fortunately, you can fix get these problems quickly again by eating asparagus!


CarrotsRelated image
Everybody knows the fact that carrots are the ideal beta carotene supplier. The precursor of vitamin A ensures healthy, shiny hair. If you consume the vegetables regularly, carotene compounds can accumulate in the uppermost layers of the skin. This ensures that the skin gains a healthy color and is better protected against UV radiation.


OatmealRelated image
Oatmeal has become a beauty and fitness favorite in recent years. Anyone who wants to lose weight swears on the saturating effect of thtrong>e breakfast flakes. They also contain a lot of biotins which make our hair shine! Its high iron content stimulates blood formation and thus provides a fresh, pink facial color.

All fresh organic fruits and vegetables are not only a beauty food; you will become also vital and healthy by eating more of them. No need even to count calories.

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If you need help with losing weight and keeping on track, the Bright Line Eating program is a great program to support. It is based on cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience. Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. It focuses on establishing healthier eating habits and is also compatible with a vegan diet.

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